Facebook Chat Client – Chit Chat for Facebook

By | September 29, 2010

If you’re one of the millions of people that use Facebook Chat then you may wish to consider using the Facebook chat program “Chit Chat.”

The popular Facebook download “Chit Chat” is in essence a traditional chat client that makes it possible for you to login to Facebook Chat.

There are many advantages to using Chit Chat – just for example, if you’ve ever have had the problem whereby you’ve lost messages when you’ve surfed away from your Facebook Chat page – you won’t have this problem with Chit Chat. Moreover, Chit Chat allows you to insert emoticons and use text formatting without ever having used codes.

Facebook chat client

Chit Chat supports:

  • Chat Logging – Save your conversations manually or automatically for a later date
  • Emoticons – Insert smileys without having to remember their codes
  • Text Formatting – Use bold and italic at a click of a button in your Facebook Messages!
  • Visual Notifications – Shows you when you’ve received a message
  • Online Notifications ­– Let’s you know when you’ve received a message.

Download the Facebook Chat Messenger Chit Chat

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