Category Archives: Gadgets

5 cool Android Mini-PCs

The world of technology is changing fast, rendering big devices like desktop computers gradually obsolete. With Android conquering single-board hardware markets in every sector (phones, TVs, fridges, cameras, and car media players), it was only a matter of time for powerful mini-pcs to be made available at low prices around the globe.

Why I like iriver

Iriver has always made an impression on me since I bought their mp3 flash player a few years ago. I also once had an iPod Shuffle, but it got damaged after an unfortunate incident. But I’m still keeping my iriver iFP-795, and it still serves its purpose of playing music. Although iPod rules the roost,… Read More »

The fascination with tech gadgets

I am planning to get a new laptop one of these days, but I don’t know why. Beyond laptops and desktops, there are many other shiny new toys out there that I wish I owned. Why tech frequently fascinates, is largely a psychological phenomenon which isn’t easy to explain. For example, I don’t need a… Read More »

Strictly for PDA enthusiasts

Now here’s a massive PDA database I came across, that probably has all the PDA models in existence – listed. Which reminds me of my old PDA that I sold to a second hand dealer about 8 months ago. Ever since then, I’ve never owned a PDA, but coming across this site, I see so… Read More »

Running a website or blog on a USB flash drive

Of all the good things we can do with a USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash drive, I think running a website is one of them. This is a perfect solution for web designers who need to cart along a whole bunch of designs to show potential clients. Most USB drives today carry a large amount… Read More »