A milestone for WordPress

By | November 19, 2009

WordPress, my favorite CMS, has won the Overall Best Open Source CMS Award in the 2009 Open Source CMS Awards which I think is a great milestone for WordPress. It also was first runner up in the Best Open Source PHP CMS Software category. I’ve always believed that WordPress was the most scalable and easy to handle CMS, and this win is now confirmation of that. Kudos to all the hardworking WordPress developers!

Reading this news gave me an idea to test deploy WordPress 1.0 on my local computer using Xampp just to check out this grandmother of all WordPress versions. How was WordPress then in 2004 (version 1.0 was released in Jan 2004)? Everything looks so different! I do wonder if there is any site out there still on some ancient WordPress version, but you know, this takes the cake…

Although so many things are missing if you compare this version with the current WordPress version now, somehow this version feels fast, tight and cute. There is no dashboard, no theme preview (called templates then), no rich text editor (you gotta know HTML), no widgets, no pages, options are limited, admins are called levels, and NO plugins! But still, it sure is a classic.

Check out the screenshots of this grandmother of WordPress versions.


The login screen as it was...




And this was the bookmarklet tool in WP 1.0...

With all the glossy magazine style WordPress sites now that any schoolboy can deploy, old time WordPress users might recall with a tinge of nostalgia those days, and marvel at how far WordPress has come along since. And even though in the past I did write about the inadequacies of WordPress as a CMS, I never had doubt one day it would take the throne of best overall open source CMS on the net.

A title long time coming but never in doubt!

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